16 February 2008

St. Bridget's

St. Bridget's porter is just one of our many great bottled beers. It's made by Great Divide Brewing Co., based out of the Rocky Mountain region. They say that St. Bridget's is named after an Irish saint who "created a sensation by turning her bathwater into beer." We're not sure about that (the Wikipedia entry, at least, has nothing to say about the miracle), but we do agree that it's a nice dark beer.
St. Bridget’s is a smooth and elegant brown porter. Brimming with coffee and chocolate characteristics from dark barley malts, St. Bridget’s is carefully hopped to provide the perfect complement to its malty robustness. This beer is a “must have” beer for all porter lovers.

For only $3.50, you can't do much better for a porter like this.

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